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License Renewal Requirements for Nurses (By State)

Get the Updated RN License Renewal Requirements

Nurses are considered to be one of the largest communities of licensed professionals within the country. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the primary purpose of a nursing license is to set the minimum qualification criterion setting the bar for entry-level nurses.

The license sets a precedent for the minimum skill set and knowledge ensuring the welfare of masses. Before any nurse can practice, it is important to get a license from the Board of Nursing (BON) in your home state.

The NCLEX-RN licensing exam needs to be cleared along with any other requirement set by the state. Furthermore, when you successfully earn your license, you are also required to meet certain requirements that are set for RN license renewal.

Check Your Nurse License Expiry

In the US, majority of the states issue RN license for TWO birthdays. It needs to be noted that this does not mean two years, and the license will expire on the last day of the month after your birth date. Thus, from that particular date, it will expire every two years and needs to be renewed on a timely basis.

Once the license number is issued, it will always stay the same irrespective of the status - active, inactive or delinquent. In case the license lapses and is renewed later, they will be assigned the same license number, but a renewal cycle will apply.

As a courteous gesture, all renewal notices are thus mailed approx three months before the expiry of the license. In case you do not receive a renewal notice, you can renew your license online via the BreEZe Online Services. In order to get the renewal notices, make sure that you inform the Board regarding any changes in your address of record.

It needs to be noted that all registered nurses are responsible for renewing their licenses even if they don't get a renewal notice.

License Renewal Process

The RN license renewal requirements are different for each state.

For every state, BON sets specific procedures that need to be followed for the repeated renewal of the nursing licenses.

Most BONs have prerequisites that encourage continued education, specified practice hours along with other activities as part of getting the license renewed.

Some states do not have any requirements to get the license renewed but a fee is charged for all renewals. The requirements for renewing an inactive license or reinstating a license also tend to vary.

If you are not sure about your state renewal process, please contact your state board for all relevant details. Ensure that you seek help right after the initial licensure so that you don't miss upon any deadlines that can alter your nursing license.

The generic requirements for license renewal are solely dependent on your geographic location and license status. As discussed, renewal notices are sent out by mail three months prior to the expiry of a license as per the Board of Registered Nursing. The renewal fee needs to be paid, while the time frame varies as they cover a variety of factors including a background check and other similar requirements.

In order to renew an inactive or expired license, you will be required to contact the state board of nursing and submit your request.

Make sure you check the renewal requirements beforehand. For instance, the California Board of Registered Nursing requires 30 hours of continuing education. In some states, you are also required to submit your full set of fingerprints if you desire to switch to active status. Moreover, applicants are expected to self-report any convictions or disciplinary action from any state since their last license renewal.

Nurse License Renewal Requirements By State


RNs - 24 contact hours every 2 years for RNs. 12 contact hours allowed through independent study.

LPNs - 24 contact hours every 2 years for LPNs. 12 contact hours allowed through independent study.

Notes - Four (4) contact hours of Alabama Board - provided continuing education related to Board functions, the Nurse Practice Act, regulations, professional conduct, and accountability is required for the first license renewal. RN licenses are valid from January 1 of each odd-numbered year and expires December 31 of each even-numbered year.

RNs - two of the following three are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment.

LPNs - two of the following three are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment.

CE not required.

CE not required.

RNs - 15 contact hours every two years, or certification or recertification during the renewal period by a national certifying body, or completion of a recognized academic course in nursing or a related field.

LPNs - 15 contact hours every two years, or certification or recertification during the renewal period by a national certifying body, or completion of a recognized academic course in nursing or a related field.

RNs - All RNs in the State of California who wish to maintain an active license are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education for license renewal.

LPNs - LVNs must complete 30 contact hours of Continuing Education every two years in order to renew their license with an active status

CE not required.

CE not required.

RNs - RNs are required to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years.

LPNs - LPNs are required to complete 24 contact hours every 2 years.

Notes - Three (3) of the 30 hours must be in the area of substance abuse.

RNs - are required 24 contact hours every two years, 3 of which must be in HIV/AIDS and are required to complete 2 hours of instruction in cultural competency focusing on patients who identify as LGBTQ.

LPNs - must complete 18 hour of CONTINUING EDUCATION. LPN CE Compliance Options: (1) Contact Hour Option: Provide Course Completion Certificates (2) Academic Option: Provide transcript that indicates completion of an undergraduate or graduate course in nursing or relevant to the practice of nursing. (3) Teaching Option: Provide acceptance letter/email as evidence of having developed or taught a CE course or educational offering approved by the Board or a Board-approved accrediting body. (4) Author or Editor Option: Provide acceptance letter from publishers, as evidence that you are an authored or edited a book, chapter or published peer reviewed periodical.

Notes - 3.0 contact hours on HIV/AIDS is required, beginning with the 2016 renewal.

RNs - All Florida-licensed RNs are now in a 24-month renewal cycle and must complete 24 hours of appropriate continuing education during each renewal period. One (1) contact hour is required for each calendar month of the licensure cycle, including two (2) hours on Prevention of Medical Errors. HIV/AIDS is now a one-time, 1-hour CE requirement to be completed prior to the first renewal. Domestic Violence CE is now a 2-hour requirement every third renewal. There is a NEW 2-HOUR CE course requirement for the Recognizing Impairment in the Workplace that becomes effective August 1, 2017, then every other biennium thereafter. Registered Nursing Group 1 will be the first group required to have the new CE for the renewal period ending April 30, 2018.

LPNs - All Florida-licensed LPNs are now in a 24-month renewal cycle and must complete 24 hours of appropriate continuing education during each renewal period. One (1) contact hour is required for each calendar month of the licensure cycle, including two (2) hours on Prevention of Medical Errors. HIV/AIDS is now a one-time, 1-hour CE requirement to be completed prior to the first renewal. Domestic Violence CE is now a 2-hour requirement every third renewal. For example, if you renew your license on January 31, 2007, you are required to complete the Domestic Violence CE before the January 31, 2011 renewal.

Notes - Click here to view our courses that were designed specifically for Florida.

RNs - 30 hours every 2 years

LPNs - 30 hours every 2 years

Notes - See state website for additional renewal options

RNs - Beginning July 1, 2017, for every 2 year renewal period RNs must complete one of the following: 30 contact hours of continuing education, completion of a board approved refresher course, completion of a minimum of two semester credits of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice from an accredited nursing program.

LPNs - Beginning July 1, 2017, for every 2 year renewal period LPNs must complete one of the following: 30 contact hours of continuing education, completion of a board approved refresher course, completion of a minimum of two semester credits of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice from an accredited nursing program.

Notes - For more options see the Hawaii Board of Nursing Professional and Vocational Licensing

RNs - New Continuing Competency Requirements (effective with the 2019 renewal) In order to renew, a licensee shall complete or comply with at least two of any of the learning activities listed below within the two year renewal period. a. Practice: i. Current nursing specialty certification as defined in Section 402; ii. One hundred (100) hours of practice or simulation practice b. Education, Continuing Education, E-learning, and In-service: i. Fifteen (15) contact hours of continuing education; ii. Completion of a minimum of one (1) semester credit hour of post-licensure academic education; iii. Completion of a Board-recognized refresher course; See additional options on Idaho BON website

LPNs - New Continuing Competency Requirements (effective with the 2018 renewal) In order to renew, a licensee shall complete or comply with at least two (2) of any of the learning activities listed in the RN requirements within the two (2) year renewal period.

RNs - are required to complete 20 contact hours every two years.

LPNs - are required to complete 20 contact hours every two years.

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs -RNs and LPNs: For renewal of a three year license, the requirement is 36 contact hours; For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours. For reactivation from an inactive status, the requirement is 12 contact hours that are not more than 12 months old at the time the credit is submitted for reactivation For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs. It is also required that RNs and LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children in Iowa complete training related to the identification and reporting of child/dependent adult abuse. The licensee is required to complete at least two hours of training every five years.

LPNs - RNs and LPNs: For renewal of a three year license, the requirement is 36 contact hours; For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours. For reactivation from an inactive status, the requirement is 12 contact hours that are not more than 12 months old at the time the credit is submitted for reactivation For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs. It is also required that RNs and LPNs who regularly examine, attend, counsel or treat dependent adults or children in Iowa complete training related to the identification and reporting of child/dependent adult abuse. The licensee is required to complete at least two hours of training every five years.

Notes - For renewal of a license that has been issued for less than three years, the requirement is 24 contact hours or 2.4 CEUs.

RNs -are required to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study hours that can be obtained.

LPNs - are required to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. There is no maximum on the number of independent study hours that can be obtained.

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs -No CE required, but an approved refresher course is needed.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs - are required to complete 15 contact hours every 2 years.

LPNs - LPNs are required to complete 15 contact hours every 2 years.

RNs - must have proof of earning 14 approved contact hours or one of the other competency options stated by the Kentucky BON (see website link). Other required courses: Course: Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, also known as "Shaken Baby Syndrome." 1.5 hours. This is a one-time CE requirement covering the recognition and prevention of pediatric abusive head trauma. Nurses licensed as of July 15, 2010 have until December 31, 2013 to complete the course. Nurses licensed after that date have three years from the date of licensure to complete the course. Course: HIV/AIDs- All nurses are required to earn two contact hours of approved HIV/AIDS CE within the appropriate ten-year period.

LPNs - must have proof of earning 14 approved contact hours or one of the other competency options stated by the Kentucky BON (see website link)

Notes - Click here to view our courses that were designed specifically for Kentucky. Additional Requirements - see State Website

RNs - RNs and LPNs: The annual continuing education requirement is based on employment: 5 contact hours (full-time nursing practice), 10 contact hours (part-time nursing practice), or 15 contact hours (not employed or worked less than 160 hours).

LPNs - RNs and LPNs: The annual continuing education requirement is based on employment: 5 contact hours (full-time nursing practice), 10 contact hours (part-time nursing practice), or 15 contact hours (not employed or worked less than 160 hours).

Notes - For RNs with employer verified nursing practice of 1,600 hours or more for the current year (10 full months at 40 hours per week), a minimum of 5 contact hours of nursing CEs are required each year to renew. For an RN with employer verified nursing practice for the year was 159 hours or less - or - the nurse was either unemployed or self-employed for the current year, a minimum of 15 contact hours is required. For RNs whose employer verified nursing practice was between 160 hours to 1,599 hours for the current calendar year, the RN will need a minimum of 10 contact hours to qualify for annual renewal.

RNs - All Michigan licensed nurses must complete 25 hours of board approved continuing education, with at least one hour in pain and symptom management, within the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of their license.

LPNs - All Michigan LPNs have same requirements as RNs.

Notes - NEW REQUIREMENT: Beginning with the 2017 renewal cycle all Licensees must complete a one-time training in identifying victims of human trafficking. This requirement must be completed prior to the 2019 renewal cycle. Require one hour in pain and symptom management

RNs - must complete 24 contact hours every 2 years.

LPNs - must complete 12 contact hours every 2 years.

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs - For relicensure, RNs and LPNs must have completed 30 hours of nursing-related continuing education in the previous 24 months, and must have completed the state-required bioterrorism course.

LPNs - For relicensure, RNs and LPNs must have completed 30 hours of nursing-related continuing education in the previous 24 months, and must have completed the state-required bioterrorism course.

Notes - One-time mandatory Bio-Terrorism course of 4 hours

RNs - Renewal requirements for RNs and LPNs: Must be 20 contact hours within the last renewal period. Must be related to the practice of nursing. At least 10 of the 20 hours must be formally peer reviewed* and approved continuing education. Up to 4 hours may be CPR or BLS courses. * Courses approved by another board of nursing are considered "Peer Reviewed". All AAACEUs courses are approved by the California Board of Nursing Florida Board of Nursing Delaware Board of Nursing See approvals and accreditations: https://www.aaaceus.com/certifications.asp

LPNs - Renewal requirements for RNs and LPNs: Must be 20 contact hours within the last renewal period. Must be related to the practice of nursing. At least 10 of the 20 hours must be formally peer reviewed and approved continuing education. Up to 4 hours may be CPR or BLS courses

Notes - No more than 4 hours are CPR or BLS classes

RNs - RNs and LPNs: 30 contact hours in 2 years immediately preceding license application including workshops, conferences, lectures or other education offerings designed to enhance nursing knowledge, judgment, and skills. There is no limit to the number of contact hours that can be completed through independent study.

LPNs - RNs and LPNs: 30 contact hours in 2 years immediately preceding license application including workshops, conferences, lectures or other education offerings designed to enhance nursing knowledge, judgment, and skills. There is no limit to the number of contact hours that can be completed through independent study.

RNs - FContinuing Education requirements for New Jersey: 30 contact hours every two years for RNs

LPNs - Continuing Education requirements for New Jersey: 30 contact hours every two years for LPNs

Notes - Mandatory one-hour tissue organ donation course required

RNs - RNs are required to complete 30 hours of approved CE within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license.

LPNs - LPNs are required to complete 30 hours of approved CE within the 24 months immediately preceding expiration of license.

RNs - are required to complete 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; 2 contact hours child abuse (one time requirement for initial license); Programs must be from an approved provider.

LPNs - are required to complete 3 contact hours infection control every 4 years; Program must be from an approved provider.

Notes - 2 hour child abuse course, 3 hour infectious control for healthcare professionals

RNs - For reistatement or relicensure, a plans for continued competence and completion of one of the following is required. - National certification or re-certification by a national credentialing body recognized by the Board - 30 contact hours of continued education - Completion of a Board approved refresher course - Completion of a minimum of two semester hours of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice - 15 contact hours of continued education and completion of a nursing project as principal investigator or co-investigator to include statement of problem, project objectives, methods, date of completion and summary of findings - 15 contact hours of continued education and authoring or co-authoring a nursing related article, paper, book or book chapter - 15 contact hours of continued education and developing and conducting a nursing continuing education presentation or presentations totaling a minimum of five contact hours, including program brochure or course syllabi, objectives, date and location of presentation, and approximate number of attendees - 15 contact hours of continued education and 640 hours of active practice within previous 2 years

LPNs - For reistatement or relicensure, a plans for continued competence and completion of one of the following is required. - National certification or re-certification by a national credentialing body recognized by the Board - 30 contact hours of continued education - Completion of a Board approved refresher course - Completion of a minimum of two semester hours of post-licensure academic education related to nursing practice - 15 contact hours of continued education and completion of a nursing project as principal investigator or co-investigator to include statement of problem, project objectives, methods, date of completion and summary of findings - 15 contact hours of continued education and authoring or co-authoring a nursing related article, paper, book or book chapter - 15 contact hours of continued education and developing and conducting a nursing continuing education presentation or presentations totaling a minimum of five contact hours, including program brochure or course syllabi, objectives, date and location of presentation, and approximate number of attendees - 15 contact hours of continued education and 640 hours of active practice within previous 2 years

RNs - For RN license renewal, the nurse must meet the continued competence requirements. Included in this requirement is the completion of 12 contact hours of continuing education. All CE required for license renewal may be obtained online.

LPNs - For LPN license renewal, the nurse must meet the continued competence requirements. Included in this requirement is the completion of 12 contact hours of continuing education. All CE required for license renewal may be obtained online.

Notes - See additional competency cycle options on tate website

RNs - RN relicensure requirement: 24 contact hours every 2 years. At least one contact hour must be related to Chapters 4723,1-23 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules.

LPNs - relicensure requirement: 24 contact hours every 2 years. At least one contact hour must be related to Chapters 4723,1-23 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules.

Notes - Click here to view our courses that were designed specifically for Ohio. At least 1 contact hour must be related to Chapters 4723, 1-23 of the Ohio Nurse Practice Code - First time renewals exempt from continuing education

RNs - Beginning 08/27/2015 RNs and LPNs must complete one of the following options within every 2 year renewal period. 1) verify 520 hours of employment a year, or 2) complete 24 hours of continuing education, or 3) verify current certification in a nursing specialty area, or 4) complete a board approved refresher course, or 5) complete 6 academic semester credits hours of coursework at the current level of licensure or higher.

LPNs - Same as RNs

RNs - One-time requirement for seven hours of pain management-related CE. One hour must be a course to be provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission.The remaining six hours can be your choice of pain management topics. Once this requirement is fulfilled, there is no additional CE requirements for renewal.

LPNs - One-time requirement for seven hours of pain management-related CE. One hour must be a course to be provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission.The remaining six hours can be your choice of pain management topics. Once this requirement is fulfilled, there is no additional CE requirements for renewal.

Notes - Only CEU Requirement (a 1-time requirement): 7 hours of Pain Management Continuing Ed. 1 of the 7 hours must be a 1 hour courses provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission

RNs - 30 contact hours every two years for RNs. Beginning in 2014 RNs must complete 2 hours of approved child abuse and recognition and report training every renewal (Act 31). See state website for additional information.

LPNs - Beginning in 2014 LPNs must complete 2 hours of approved child abuse and recognition and report training every renewal (Act 31). See state website for additional information.

Notes - RNs renew either April 30 or October 30 odd and even years

RNs - are required to completre 10 contact hours every 2 years. Online courses are acceptable.

LPNs - LPNs are required to completre 10 contact hours every 2 years. Online courses are acceptable.

RNs - Demonstration of competency for renewal of an active RN license biennially requires documented evidence of at least one of the following requirements during the licensure period: - Completion of thirty contact hours from a continuing education provider recognized by the board - Maintenance of certification or re-certification by a national certifying body recognized by the board - Completion of an academic program of study in nursing or a related field recognized by the board - Verification of competency and the number of hours practiced as evidenced by employer certification on a form approved by the Board

LPNs - Demonstration of competency for renewal of an active LPN license biennially requires documented evidence of at least one of the following requirements during the licensure period: - Completion of thirty contact hours from a continuing education provider recognized by the board - Maintenance of certification or re-certification by a national certifying body recognized by the board - Completion of an academic program of study in nursing or a related field recognized by the board - Verification of competency and the number of hours practiced as evidenced by employer certification on a form approved by the Board

Notes - See state website for additional renewal options

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs - Continuing Education for relicensure is not mandatory in Tennessee. However, mandatory continuing competency is required in Tennessee. In order to maintain continued competence, the board requires the nurse to have practiced in nursing in the last five (5) years and additionally, the Board sets out standards of competence and requirements to maintain competence.

LPNs - Continuing Education for relicensure is not mandatory in Tennessee. However, mandatory continuing competency is required in Tennessee. In order to maintain continued competence, the board requires the nurse to have practiced in nursing in the last five (5) years and additionally, the Board sets out standards of competence and requirements to maintain competence..

Notes - See state website for competency requirements

RNs - are require to complete 20 contact hours every two years. There is also a targeted 1-time, 2-contact hour CE requirement for any RN practicing in an emergency room setting for Forensic Evidence Collection

LPNs - are require to complete 20 contact hours every two years. There is also a targeted 1-time, 2-contact hour CE requirement for any LPN practicing in an emergency room setting for Forensic Evidence Collection

Notes - See state website for specific requirements

RNs - Renewal of an RN license requires one of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours.

LPNs -Renewal of an LPN license requires one of the following every 2 years: 30 contact hours, OR 200 practice hours and 15 contact hours, OR 400 practice hours.vv

Notes - See state website for additional renewal options

RNs - CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs -A. To renew an active nursing license, a licensee shall complete at least one of the following learning activities or courses:
1. Current specialty certification by a national certifying organization, as defined in 18VAC90-19-10; 2. Completion of a minimum of three credit hours of post-licensure academic education relevant to nursing practice, offered by a regionally accredited college or university; 3. A board-approved refresher course in nursing; 4. Completion of nursing-related, evidence-based practice project or research study; 5. Completion of publication as the author or co-author during a renewal cycle; 6. Teaching or developing a nursing-related course resulting in no less than three semester hours of college credit, a 15-week course, or specialty certification; 7. Teaching or developing nursing-related continuing education courses for up to 30 contact hours; 8. Fifteen contact hours of workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses relevant to the practice of nursing and 640 hours of active practice as a nurse; or 9. Thirty contact hours of workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses relevant to the practice of nursing.

LPNs - Same as RN

Notes - See state website for additional renewal options

RNs - Registered nurses (RN) and licensed practical nurses (LPN) are required to keep documentation showing at least 531 hours of active practice and 45 clock hours of continuing education within a three year cycle. The first cycle starts on your first birthday after initial licensure. You must attest every three years to reflect you have met the requirements for both practice and continuing education. Do not send documentation to the Nursing Commission in support of the attestations unless notified of an audit via your renewal notice. The Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission adopted rules in WAC 246-840-200 through 260 for an independent continuing competency program effective January 2011 and recently updated effective January 2016.

LPNs - Registered nurses (RN) and licensed practical nurses (LPN) are required to keep documentation showing at least 531 hours of active practice and 45 clock hours of continuing education within a three year cycle. The first cycle starts on your first birthday after initial licensure. You must attest every three years to reflect you have met the requirements for both practice and continuing education. Do not send documentation to the Nursing Commission in support of the attestations unless notified of an audit via your renewal notice. The Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission adopted rules in WAC 246-840-200 through 260 for an independent continuing competency program effective January 2011 and recently updated effective January 2016.

Notes - License renewals will continue to be annual. The Nursing Commission sends a courtesy renewal notice to RNs and LPNs 90 days prior to license expiration. The renewal notice will indicate the continuing competency due date. Notice: You will see the attestation on your renewal notice when your renewal cycle ends. It is your responsibility to inform the Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission of any change in address, email, and telephone number, whether renewing or not.

RNs - Completion of the 12 contact hours of CE required for RN relicensure may be accomplished by: 1. Completing 12 contact hours of CE from an approved CE provider; or 2. Completing 6 contact hours of CE from an approved CE provider which may include 2 contact hours of self-study and one of the following completed during the reporting period: A. National certification initially earned or in effect the entire reporting period; B. Completion of a nursing research project as principal investigator, co-investigator or project director; C. Published a nursing related article in a national nursing or healthcare journal; D. Developed and presented a professional nursing education presentation; E. Participated as a clinical preceptor for at least one student or one new employee undergoing orientation and have one hundred-twenty hours of one-on-one relationship as a clinical preceptor during the reporting period; F. Evidence of satisfactory evaluation of employment that covers at least six months of the reporting period; or G. Completion of an approved nursing refresher or re-entry course.

LPNs - are required to complete 24 contact hours of continuing education and engage in 400 clock hours of LPN practice in each 2 year reporting period. Reporting occurs on the even years. There is also a 1-time 2-contact hour requirement for end of life care including pain management.

Notes - Click here to view our courses that were designed specifically for West Virginia. See state website for additional requirements

RNs -CE not required.

LPNs - CE not required.

RNs -Requirement for RN relicensure: 20 contact hours in the last 2 years OR Combination of Nursing practice and contact hours OR Minimum 1600 hours in Nursing practice in the last 5 years OR Minimum 500 hours in Nursing practice in the last 2 years OR Passing NCLEX within the last 5 years OR National certification in specialty area in last 5 years OR Completion of a refresher/orientation program in the last 5 years

LPNs - Requirement for LPN relicensure: 20 contact hours in the last 2 years OR Combination of Nursing practice and contact hours OR Minimum 1600 hours in Nursing practice in the last 5 years OR Minimum 500 hours in Nursing practice in the last 2 years OR Passing NCLEX within the last 5 years OR National certification in specialty area in last 5 years OR Completion of a refresher/orientation program in the last 5 years

Notes - See state website for additional renewal options

RNs - 30 hours every 2 years on 9-30 (odd numbered years)

LPNs - 30 hours every 2 years on 9-30 (odd numbered years)

FAQs About Nursing License Renewal

Why Do I Need To Renew My Nursing License?

Renewing your nursing license is extremely important if you want to continue your practice within a specific state. In case your nursing license is inactive or expired, you will be required to continue your education and also pay a reinstatement fee. All states have different renewal policies where some states may even require a criminal background check.

What Happens When A Nursing License Expires?

Your Nursing RN License needs to be maintained and updated on timely intervals or else it expire. The requirements to maintain an RN license tend to vary from one state to another. You need to follow a reinstatement process if your nursing license is already expired. Be sure to check the reinstatement process in your state before you continue your nursing practice.

How Much Does It Cost To Renew A Nursing License?

Your state license renewal board will set fees for reactivating an expired license. You will have to pay a delinquency fee along with a renewal fee in order to get your license status active.

Some states such as California have exempted nurses who have been on duty for an extra charge. Thus, if you are a military nurse, make sure to ask the nursing board if you will be still required to pay a delinquency fee.

How Can I Keep My Nursing License Active?

In order to keep your nursing license active, make sure you are well-versed with the state license and renewal protocols. Generally, renewal notices are dispatched three months prior to renewal to avoid inconvenience. However, if you don't get a notice, it is a wise decision to check with your nursing board.

Can I Practice Nursing With an Expired License?

If you are working with an expired nursing license, you will be liable to pay hefty fines, suspension, or probation depending on the Board's decision. Generally, a nursing license is active for two years. If your license gets expired or becomes inactive, you can contact the board of nursing of renewal.

Depending on the rules of your state, you may need to pay a renewal fee, take refresher courses, or complete a board-approved reentry program.

Is There A Grace Period For Expired Nurse Licenses?

Generally, a reminder is sent three months prior to the cancellation of a Nursing License so that nurses can timely get it renewed.

How Often Do I Need To Renew My License?

Licenses expire after two years from the date of issuance. Generally, the license is issued as per your birth date and is then valid for two years.

How do I Reinstate A Lapsed Nurse License?

A license can be reinstated by reapplying and paying the charges or penalties if any.

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