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Med Couture - Fashion Forward Medical Uniforms Shelving On Pulse Uniform

13 Sep

Med Couture - Fashion Forward Medical Uniforms Shelving On Pulse Uniform

With a legacy that dates back to 2003, Pulse Uniform is all set to list Med Couture as its recent milestone.

With more than 35 top rated industry brands - we are constantly working to deliver the best medical scrubs and lab coat within your budget.

Med Couture: Cute Scrubs for Professional Women

Med Couture is a recent disruption in the healthcare sector offering a modern take on traditional scrubs and lab coats.

With breathability, comfort, performance and functionality guaranteed, the modern scrub range is enhanced with stylish cuts and accents to give your personality an edge at work.

The upbeat brand has come up with an attractive collection namely Austin, Activate, Boutique Lab Coat, Energy, Peaches and more.

The brand has taken a nonorthodox approach to medical uniforms where they strive to deliver quality without compromising on your style quotient.

Pulse Uniform's Growing Family of Scrub Brands

We at Pulse Uniform believe in delivering par excellence.

To do so, we are constantly trying to improve our listings to give you a plethora of options to choose from.

Be it scrub tops, scrub pants, lab coats or accessories, we take pride in housing the finest brands to make your work hours productive and rewarding.

At present, Pulse Uniform boasts 40,000+ SKUs that are handpicked for your everyday professional needs.

From full coverage lab coats that guarantee protection against spillages, to short consultation coats for medical rounds, we believe in delivering exactly what you are looking for.

Click here to browse your favorite Med Couture Medical Uniforms from Pulse Uniform and get the best prices guaranteed!