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How this year's World Heart Day is going to change the world?

There has been an increasing preparation for World Heart Day on 29 September 2016. Such as the day will be observed by the Florida Department of Health in The Villages; and, The World Heart Federation (WHF) calls on local and international governments to increase their efforts for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) epidemic. Moreover, we must participate for the cause as there is an increasing number of heart patients worldwide. Furthermore, eighty percent of premature deaths from cardiovascular disorder could be averted if the four top contributors of the disease, viz. tobacco consumption, bad use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity, were controlled.

WHF is today issuing a global policy for governments worldwide to implement surveillance and proper monitoring systems for CVD to prevent, cure, and control better the world's increasingly biggest killer. Statistics report CVD as the leading cause of around 17.5 million deaths globally each year. However, most of them could be avoided by controlling the contributing factors, addressing behavioral risk factors, and getting treatment as soon as possible after a stroke or heart attack.

The Global Hearts Initiative meeting at World Health Organization (WHO) will help governments to implement better both clinical and population-level interventions to reduce CVD rates exceptionally. WHF primarily points to three feasible steps that policymakers can take to gather reliable data to form accurate, authoritative and impactful policy around CVD as follows:

1-Strengthen and recommend essential registration and reason of death registration systems

2-Collect, add and include overall coverage of CVD critical interventions into current health information systems

3-Gather information on a representative sub sample for the patient population on the prevalence and exact quality of care of the patients with CVD and hypertension, and undertake regular and periodic data collection on the metabolic and behavioral risk factors, and determinants of risk exposure, for example, marketing of food, alcohol and tobacco in a sub-sample of the population.

On the occasion of World Heart Day, WHF will also introduce and launch its policy brief that clearly identifies gaps and necessities in global CVD surveillance and monitoring systems. According to Dr. Salim Yusuf, WHF President, robust monitoring and surveillance are essential components to guiding what policies and strategies should be implemented and whether those would be successful in reducing CVD rates and producing desired results. Moreover, the counties that accurately measure these rates and honestly report are also the ones who demonstrate the greatest reductions in CVD.

Heart diseases have been increasing worldwide, and there is a need to take steps to curb the epidemic. Government's commitment and honest execution of health policies are essential to preventing premature deaths due to CVD by taking required steps towards better monitoring and surveillance of their populations, as concluded in the WHF and WHO's recently held joint meeting. As a famous proverb, "Prevention is always better than cure" let's join our hands and participate in a health rally on World Heart Day to raise awareness regarding the issue and support the cause!

Keywords: World Heart Day; 29 September; Heart; Cardiovascular; CVD; alcohol; tobacco; premature; epidemic; government; policy; World Health Organization (WHO); World Heart Federation (WHF).

Ref: https://www.villages-news.com/world-heart-day-observed-event-villages/ http://finance.yahoo.com/news/world-heart-federation-urges-governments-160000293.html